'Dukedog' no.9015 over the ash pit on Coleston
Ex-GWR diesel railcar no.W31W seen through
the Oxford Road bridge rounding the curve past Victoria Park approaching
the western end of Coleston station. Note the freshly ballasted track just
beyond the bridge.
Collett-cabbed 'Mogul' no.7327 being turned.
Line up outside Coleston shed. No.4992
"Crosby Hall" is receiving some TLC from the cleaners, whilst
no.5647 and no.7821 "Ditcheat Manor" look on enviously.
Large prairie no.4102 is sidelined into
the platform road with a goods train, to make way for a following 'down'
The full 8-car Western Region Blue Pullman
forming a down train approaching Coleston station.
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