LMS and BR (LMR) Models 2
No.2290 is of course, the famous Lickey
banker - always affectionately known as 'Big Bertha', in Midland Railway livery
(see page 6 for the BR version). Built from a DJH kit.
No.2156 is one of the 'Tilbury Tanks', constructed
from a Nu-Cast kit.
An old, and no-longer-available, K's kit was the basis of this
very elegant Midland Railway 'Spinner'. I stress 'basis', because
the kit had to be constructed to EM gauge standards for this particular
project, and also modified for loco-power as opposed to tender-power of
the original kit. More work than I bargained for, I must admit - turned
out nice though! This model wears the Victorian-era version of the Midland
Railway livery - for another 'Spinner', in the later, Deeley-era livery,
see page 4.
A Beyer-Peacock 'Metro' tank in the lined-green Victorian
livery of the London and North Western Railway. This model was built from
an IKB Models kit.
Another LNWR loco. This time a 'Precursor' tank in the more well-known
lined black livery. Built from a GEM kit.
Another LNWR GEM kit, this time one of the famous 'Cauliflower'
goods locos.
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