LNER and BR (ER) Models 4
No.1278 is a Q6 Class 0-8-0 freight loco built from a Nu-Cast
Another 0-8-0 freight design, this one a Q7 class, built from
a DJH kit.
A Gresley K2, from a Nu-Cast kit.
This loco is the Great Eastern Railway's solitary "Decapod"
(a ten-wheeler), built in 1902 as an experiment to demonstrate that a steam
locomotive could accelerate a train as fast as electric traction. Apparantly
the experiment worked, but the loco was so heavy it was never duplicated,
and indeed was rebuilt in 1906 as a 2-8-0 tender engine. This model is built
from a South Eastern Finecast kit, and painted black as per my customer's
No.45 is a Great Northern Railway D1 Class 4-4-0, designed by
H.A.Ivatt. In LNER days these locos were reclassified D2, and some lasted
to be taken into BR stock, with the last one not being withdrawn until 1951.
She is built from a Nu-Cast kit.
This is no.20 "Guillemot", a
Gresley A4 "Pacific" built from a South Eastern Finecast kit.
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