SR and BR (SR) Models 3
Ex-South East and Chatham Railway, Wainwright 'D' class
4-4-0 No.1730, in Southern Railway lined olive green, constructed from a
South Eastern Finecast kit.
'C2X' class 0-6-0 No.32440. A Marsh rebuild of the Billington designed
'C2' class with larger boiler, this model
was constructed from a DJH kit. You will notice that this loco has two domes.
This curious feature was present on some of the class, as six boilers used
on these locos were from other engines. These double-domed boilers were
swopped around the various members of the class as they passed through the
works for overhaul. So to be accurate, when considering one of these models,
a photo of your chosen engine, in the correct era should be consulted. A
picture of a single-domed loco is on page 6.
No.28 is a Drummond 'M7' class 0-4-4 tank, constructed
from a South Eastern Finecast kit.
A South Eastern Finecast kit was used to produce this R.E.L.Maunsell
'W' class 2-6-4T. No.1913 was one of the original batch of five
right-hand-drive locos built at Easleigh in 1932. It is also possible to
construct from this kit, one of the ten left-hand-drive locos built at Ashford
in 1935/6.
Another Drummond 'T9' (see page 1), only this time one of the wide-cabbed
versions. A Westward kit.
No.680 is a 'G' class 4-4-0, originally designed by W.Pickersgill for the Great North of Scotland Railway, five were acquired
for the South East and Chatham in 1900, and eventually inherited by the
Southern at the Grouping. This model was constructed from a Nu-Cast kit.
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