SR and BR (SR) Models 8
No.30064 is another 'USA' Class tank (see page
5), only this time in Southern Region coaching stock green. This loco was
constructed using a Q Kits product.
A variation on the Southern 4-4-0 theme.
This is no. E410, an 'L11' Class loco, built from a Falcon Brassworks kit,
with a Martin Finney 'water-cart' tender.
This is one of a trio of Bulleid Co-Co
electric locos introduced from 1942. Originally numbered CC2 in Southern
Railway days, it is seen here in her late BR livery and numbered 20002.
This model was built using an old MTK cast white-metal body kit, and powered
by a bespoke chassis from Hollywood Foundry in Australia.
No. E832 is an 'S15' Class loco, painted in the short-lived
Southern Railway livery of black with green lining. Built from a DJH kit.
This is no. 1783, a Maunsell 'L1' Class 4-4-0,
in the Southern Railway's normal 1930s lined, dark olive green, express
passenger livery. She was built from a PDK kit. See page 9 for another 'L1'
in malachite green.
Another 'S15', only this time one of the
earlier batch with a stepped running plate over the cylinders. This example,
no. 505 was, so available reference sources indicate, the only loco turned
out in full LSWR lined green goods livery, but carrying Southern Railway
numbering. As before, this loco was built using a DJH kit.
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